Course: CSCI 1210


  • id and class are important attributes, mainly for styling.
    • id β†’ typically for unique elements; elements are limited a single id
    • class β†’ typically for general elements.
  • Multiple id and class are space-delimited, such as rounded bold for rounded & bold.
  • id and class attributes can be accessed through CSS or JS:
/* id="foo" */
#foo {
    background: red;
const foo = document.getElementById("foo"); // id="foo"
const bar = document.getElementsByClassName("bar"); // class="bar"


  • The layout of a website is essentially the website’s structure.
  • A website should be intuitive; information should be accessible.
  • Each page has a header, navigation bar, content, and footer.
    • Within the content, there are different headings, paragraphs, etc.

Layouts make or break websites.

Introduction to CSS

  • Through CSS, you can change how websites look
    • Including size, color, margins, padding, etc.
  • CSS is not uniformly implemented in browsers, mainly Internet Explorer
    • Internet Explorer is dead anyways, there’s no reason to tailor your website for IE
  • For example, to make all h1 elements blue, and set their font family to β€œHelvetica”:
    • For class attributes, use .{class}
    • For id attributes, use #{id}
h1 {
    color: blue;
    font-family: "Helvetica";

Inline Style

  • You can use the style attribute on elements to add CSS to one specific element
  • Not recommended for more complex CSS β†’ not syntax highlighted, and annoying to edit
<h1 style="color: red;">Hello</h1>

Embedded Style

  • It’s generally recommended to use External Style Sheets
  • You can use CSS within a style tag, but it leads to your page being messy
    body {
        background: black;

External Style

  • External style sheets are particularly helpful for making pages with the same style.
    • If you’re using embedded CSS, and you change the color of something, you need to change it for all sites.
  • To use an external stylesheet within your page, use a link element:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="...">

Style Priority

  1. Inline Style
  2. Embedded Style
  3. External Style
  4. Browser Default
  • Additionally, the selector that is further down the CSS has priority
h1 {
    color: blue;
    font-size: 2em;
h1 {
    color: red; /* this overrides the h1 color from blue */


  • You can add comments in CSS with the /* comment */ syntax
  • Make sure you include this comment for all of your CSS:
    Name: Your Name
    Course: CSCI 1210
    Asssignment: Lab x
    Date: mm.dd.yyyy
    Description: Learning CSS

Units of Measurements

Absolute Measurements

  • cm β†’ centimeters
  • mm β†’ millimeters
  • in β†’ inches (96px)
  • px* β†’ pixels
    • px are relative to the viewing device; for high-resolution screens, 1px implies multiple device pixels

Relative Lengths

  • em β†’ relative to font-size
  • rem β†’ relative to font-size of the root element
  • ch β†’ relative to width of β€œ0”
  • vw β†’ relative to width of the viewport
  • vh β†’ relative to height of the viewport
  • % β†’ relative to parent element


  • hex β†’ hex representation
    • IE: #RRGGBB, #RGB
  • rgb β†’ red, green, blue (0–255)
    • IE: rgb(255, 0, 0)
  • rgba β†’ rgb + alpha/transparency
    • IE: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)
  • hsl β†’ hue, saturation, lightness
    • IE: hsl(360, 100%, 50%)
  • hsla β†’ hsl + alpha
    • IE: hsla(360, 100%, 50%, 0.5)
  • currentcolor β†’ inherits from parent
