Since Array is a fixed-length data structure, you need to copy them to add data.
Although youβre better off using a List at this point
static T[] AddToArray<T>(T[] array, T item){ var newArr = new T[array.Length + 1]; for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) newArr[i] = array[i]; newArr[^1] = item; return newArr;}
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Arrays that have more than one dimension, such as a grid
All rows must have the same length
var map = new int[3, 3, 3]; // 3x3x3 β 3d array
Jagged Arrays
Arrays of arrays where the rows can be different lengths
More memory efficient in certain scenarios over multi-dimensional arrays
var jaggedArr = new int[3][][]; // 3 rows
LIFO β last in, first out
The most recently added item is the one that gets removed when you remove an item
Stack<T>.Push β adds item to the top of the stack
Stack<T>.Pop β removes items from the top of the stack
var cardStack = new Stack<Card>(); cardStack.Push(new Card("Queen", "Hearts")); cardStack.Push(new Card("Ace", "Diamonds")); cardStack.Push(new Card("Six", "Spades")); cardStack.Pop(); // Six of Spades
FIFO β first in, first out
Items are removed sequentially, in the order that they arrived
Queue<T>.Enqueue β adds item to the front of the queue
Queue<T>.Dequeue β removes items from the back of the queue
var cardQueue = new Queue<Card>(); cardQueue.Enqueue(new Card("King", "Clubs")); cardQueue.Enqueue(new Card("Ten", "Hearts")); cardQueue.Enqueue(new Card("Two", "Diamonds")); cardQueue.Dequeue(); // King of Clubs
Unordered, key/value pairs
Dictionary<T>.Remove β removes an item from the dictionary
Dictionary<T>[Item] β access the item with key Item in the dictionary
var areas = new Dictionary<string, string>(); areas.Add("Square", "s^2"); areas.Add("Circle", "Οr^2"); areas.Add("Triangle", "1/2bh"); Console.WriteLine(areas["Circle"]); // Οr^2