Course: CSCI 1400

Game Completion

Documentation & Reflection

The only new Linux command I learned through the game was the less command. I’ve always used cat, so I never knew there was something similar within Linux. I found the cd and the ls command the most helpful, especially in this game—since you have to use ls to find places that you need to go. I also thought pwd was interesting, but I never really used it within the context of the game. It’s mainly helpful for me personally, since I have my shell prompt set to only include my current directory—so it gets a little confusing at times:

One of the challenges I encountered within the game is the lack of instructions—I wasn’t entirely sure what I was looking for, or what the goal of the game was. To overcome this, I ended up just exploring in seemingly a random path until I was able to complete the game. Another one of the challenges was the grep command not functioning properly. Normally, I’d do something like cat file.txt | grep content , but that didn’t work as I wanted to, so I had to use their syntax instead—which was a little strange.

In a real world scenario, these commands would be used to navigate through the file system within the terminal. Something I do often is to navigate into the .config directory to customize things within my setup. Moreover, I use zoxide as a replacement/alias for cd, which makes it especially helpful when I want to navigate into a deeply nested folder. For instance, to navigate into ~/Documents/Assignments/CSCI\ 1250/assignment8, I can just do cd assignment8.