Course: CSCI 2020


There were a lot of data that wasn’t in the database, so I had to make a lot of assumptions—and most of the queries were empty, since there aren’t many ‘anomalies’ within the database yet.

Part 1

Imperial Navy Analysis

  • 1.A
    • Out of the ships that are currently stationed, there are 1 corvette, 3 imperial star destroyers, and 1 super star destroyer. This is most likely due to imperial star destroyers being more general, whereas super star destroyers, for example are more expensive and thus more specialized.
  • 1.B
    • The executor being the most expensive star destroyer makes sense, mainly because it’s the only star destroyer, as well as it’s most likely the “leader” of the fleet
  • 1.C
    • The most powerful ships are currently stationed as Coruscant—because of the Executor being stationed there currently. This was assuming that the crew capacity was the power, but there is potentially another metric that would be better to judge by.
  • 2.A
    • There aren’t any ships currently undergoing maintenance—all of them are active.
  • 2.B
    • As there are no ships under maintenance, there is a 0% repair percentage.
  • 2.C
    • The only ship that seemed like their maintenance cost would be ‘suspicious’ would be the Carrion Spike, which has a maintenance cost that’s 1/10 of the next lowest maintenance cost.
  • 3.A
    • I wasn’t exactly sure how to determine ‘crew shortages’, so I gathered the crew count from the number of assignments for that specific ship—which makes all of the starships seem like they have crew shortages, since the most that the ships have is 1 assignment. There may potentially be another way to judge a crew shortage, but there wasn’t a column that had the current crew count, so I wasn’t exactly sure what to use.
  • 3.B
    • For this, I took the ‘newest vessels’ from the assignment start date, rather than when the vessel was built—since that’s not a column in the database. Judging by this, the newest vessels are mainly deployed at Coruscant
  • 3.C
    • There wasn’t exactly a way to get which ships had an ‘extended maintenance period’, so I just took the ships that are undergoing maintenance, and selected the ones that had a maintenance cost that was higher than average. Since there are currently no ships that are undergoing maintenance, there aren’t any ships output from this query.

Resource Allocation Patterns

  • 1.A
    • The imperial naval command receives the highest funding—which makes sense considering that it’s most likely the ‘head’ of the departments. It’s followed by military operations, which also makes sense because they likely have a very large military, so they need a lot of funding.
  • 1.B
    • I took ‘unusual spikes’ to mean the departments with budgets greater than the average—so it was the imperial naval command and military operations. However, their funding seems mostly accurate, since they likely need a lot of funding for their specific purposes.
  • 1.C
    • The facility with the least budget is the logistics department, so it’s likely operating under ‘minimal resources’, since they don’t have much funding. Possibly, the imperial intelligence may be operating under ‘minimal resources’, since they have the highest security level, despite having the second lowest budget.
  • 2.A
    • I took the ‘high-ranking officers’ to mean the officers with ‘Admiral’ within their rank, although there may be another way to determine whether they’re ‘high-ranking’. This ended up with the imperial naval command having the most, which makes sense.
  • 2.B
    • I wasn’t sure what to determine as ‘specialized personnel’, so I chose the personnel that weren’t admirals, which was only one within the imperial naval command. This doesn’t make much sense, I’d expect the weapons development to possibly have the most—since they would likely have engineers, or something ‘specialized’ in that way.
  • 2.C
    • Again, I wasn’t sure what to do to determine a ‘skeleton crew’, so I just went with the departments that had less then 3 crew members.

Part 2

High-Value Target Identification

  • 1.A
    • Planets with the highest security facilities are Byss and Coruscant, which both have security levels of 10.
  • 1.B
    • I took the ‘primary research centers’ to be the number of assignments with ‘research’ included—which ended up being only one research assignment on Mustafar, so I’m assuming that’s where the primary research center is.
  • 1.C
    • The department/facility with an ‘unusually high resource allocation’ would be the imperial naval command and military operations, which both have budgets over the average. Although, they aren’t necessarily ‘high’ considering their roles, but they’re the highest.
  • 2.A
    • The security with the minimal staffing would be the imperial intelligence, as it has no personnel, but it has a security level of 10.
  • 2.B
    • There aren’t any strategic facilities with minimal security—I took the ‘strategic’ to mean those with high budgets, but there aren’t any with ‘minimal security’, which I considered to be less than 6.
  • 2.C
    • I took ‘reduced imperial control’ to mean locations without any ‘Imperial’ personnel, which turned out to be none. I was originally going to do the planets with less imperial personnel than the average, but I was unable to do nested aggregate calls, or something along those lines.

Project Intelligence

  • 1.A
    • The highest priority projects are the supply chain optimization and the citadel security enhancement. I’d assume that the death star construction would be a higher priority, considering how much budget is being allocated toward it.
  • 1.B
    • The project with ‘extraordinary’ funding is the death star construction, which is much greater than the average budget. This makes sense, though, considering how large the death star is, but I’d expect the priority to be a little higher than it is.
  • 1.C
    • I assumed ‘signs of failing’ were projects that were either canceled or on hold, but there aren’t any at the moment.
  • 2.A
    • The projects with the most budget consumption is the death star, by far. It has a budget which is higher than the other projects combined.
  • 2.B
    • There isn’t a way to get budget patterns, since there’s no historical data, but I just chose the project with the budget greater than twice the average, which happens to be the death star.
  • 2.C
    • Projects that are ‘on hold’ are behind schedule, but there aren’t any at the moment